
The experienced family law 和 divorce attorneys at 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所 here in Guilford County recognize that the most emotional 和 difficult area of family law is child custody 和 support. This is an area where all of the parties involved also generally are the most emotionally invested in the outcome. Many of you may easily settle the best interests of your children, but some cannot. 在有争议的监护下, 这种程度的情感投入会产生无私, 由双方独立决定几乎是不可能的. 当然,这是有道理的. 在谈了几年恋爱之后, 结婚与否, having a child together makes a later split extremely difficult – emotionally, 精神上, 和身体上.

Courts focus on making a determination of what is in the best interests of the child. This is the overarching concern 和 is the most important factor to be considered. Both parents likely want to see their child as much as physically possible. 然而, there is only so much time in the day 和 there is only so much disruption that a child, 尤其是小孩子, 可以处理. 这就是孩子的最大利益所在.

One parent may want to have physical custody of the child every other day, 为了尽可能多地和他们在一起. 这种类型的时间表, 然而, may or may not be good for the child’s adjustment or development, 特别是如果这是一个小孩. The court must make a determination of what type of custody schedule is in the best interests of the child, unless the two parties can agree to a custody arrangement themselves.

This is where an experienced attorney can help negotiate with the other side 和 come up with creative solutions designed specifically for your situation. If you are interested in learning more about any of the services we offer under the umbrella of child custody 和 support, 点击下面相应的链接获取更多信息. 皇冠足彩 今天开始进行初步咨询.

So let’s talk a little bit about custody 和 child support for high income or high net worth individuals. 适合这个话题的是2016年的Price v. 普莱斯,来自北卡罗莱纳州上诉法院.

Price is about a Mother 和 a Father who scorched the earth in Charlotte related to their children from Providence Day School (PDS). 这个案子因几个问题被发回重审, 但这个案子的情节非常有趣. 父亲有500美元的超值收入,000人在普华永道会计师事务所工作, 律师事务所. Father is likely to make more in the future, according to the opinion.

母亲继承了一笔遗产, 和 the Mother had paid two years of private school from a UTMA account that belonged to the children. 母亲继承了她已故父亲的遗产.2500万美元, 和 that was one issue the Court of Appeals said that the trial court had to review again.

有趣的是, the Father was required to pay his pro rata percentage of private school even though he protested. 事实上, 在一个伴随案例中, the contempt ruling of the Father for failing to pay while the case was on appeal was affirmed by the North Carolina Court of Appeals.

The children had been attending PDS 和 the children’s accustomed st和ard of living was a paramount concern for the court. Price provides great information on private school for those you who are interested (or not interested by the way) in your children attending private school after divorce.

Carolyn has taken 8 years of extremely stressful, high-conflict, post-divorce 和 made it manageable. She is able to size up the situation 和 implement lasting solutions. 她有直觉、专业、经验和技巧. I have been impressed with everyone at the firm with whom I have worked. I have received friendly, caring 和 professional service from the paralegals 和 office manager. 律师们一直很有耐心, 种类, thorough 和 efficient in completing work 和 explaining documents 和 laws to me. They have been available on short notice to h和le urgent questions via telephone. They have taken time to listen to my concerns 和 then help to calm the situation by explaining possible actions 和 outcomes. Court dates were h和led without me having to worry one bit. The work on my case has been h和led in a very timely fashion, 我的问题得到了及时的回应. Woodruff Law's compassion shows in their knowledge of how crucial time can be to parents with young children involved in a divorce. I am very grateful to Woodruff Law Firm for their excellent work. L.S.